My Wardrobe Overhaul
Stepping into the thick of 2024, I find myself in the midst of (yet another) style evolution—one that is a lot more purposeful and reflective.
Sifting through my wardrobe piece by piece, I went through my closet with the intent that would hopefully be reflective not just in how I dressed but also in how I felt. For me, it isn't just about discarding clothes; it's a strategic move to embrace pieces that genuinely resonate with my evolving style.
In my contemplative review of my closet, a poignant question surfaces—does my wardrobe resonate with the person I'm becoming and how I want to show up? This introspective pause serves as the prelude to a detailed plan, sketching out a collection that weaves harmoniously with the threads of my identity. Each rearrangement in my closet — things preserved and reflection of items discarded— and every future fashion quest becomes a purposeful, deliberate stride toward genuine self-expression and not just what “looks nice”.
With intentional curation, I had to stand firm and be real with each piece and if it aligns with multiple criteria:
- Does this piece align with who I truly am?
- Did I buy this just because it looks nice?
- Is this just a trendy item?
- When I look at this, does this feel like a “hell yes, I need this in my closet”?
- What condition is this piece in? Does it need much TLC or tailoring? If it does, why haven’t I done it yet?
- Does this item fit? (Do I need to lose weight to fit it?)
- Have I worn it in the last 3-6 months?
Central to this strategy is intentional curation: crafting a wardrobe with thoughtful pieces that seamlessly blend a mix of versatility, style, and fun without excess that winds up being donated. Quality will be prioritized over quantity, embracing the ethos of the slow fashion movement while still being true to my personal style sense and what I like.
Beyond the closet, this intentionality extends to understanding the story behind each garment, trying to be less of a victim of capitalism, and driving myself back to why I love fashion so much—the craftsmanship, origin, and personal connection. Each piece in my wardrobe becomes a narrative intricately woven into the fabric of my style journey, a tangible reflection of my evolving identity.
In my landscape of 2024, I anticipate my wardrobe evolving into an even more profound personal expression, with each curated piece narrating a story of purpose and style. This journey transcends mere fashion choices; it's a deliberate redefinition of self, embracing authenticity and purpose in every thread and seam.